Tips For Bloggers: Think Before Giving a Backlink To Any Brand For Free

Tips For Bloggers: Think Before Giving a Backlink To Any Brand For Free

Nowadays, We hear the words blogger and influencers kicked around a lot. Welcome to our column, where we have investigated seemingly random happenings in the blogging industry, the war between influencers & bloggers. The first thing we may say that almost all bloggers are influencers but all influencers are not bloggers.

Why Is An Influencer Not Necessarily A Blogger?

Still confused? Think of it as bloggers have a point of view, a certain taste and a unique way of presenting and documenting. Bloggers have achieved influencers status through their blogs but influencer, however, don’t have blogs but they have massive followings on social media platforms. Of course, ultimately what matters is when the bubble finally bursts on marketing for a brand but an influencer can’t be a blogger. 😛

Blogging is an easy way to lump all the thoughts into one either it’s about Fashion, Lifestyle, Travel, Food or anything else. I started my lifestyle blog in 2015 – Newfangled Girl having a thought in my mind that my blog would help fluff up other brands as an influencer. So, I started showcasing all my thoughts & reviews about brands on my blog. And, being from Digital Marketing background, I have a strong command on SEO & content marketing, so when my blog starts showing results on 1st page of Google Search Engine Result (SERP), my confidence went to one level up.

But  I never started blogging to gain social popularity, free product, it was purely a passion project to earn some money. Less than a year after starting my blog, I saw that bloggers were dominating about freebies, goodies & social popularity nowadays.

I was shocked and got stuck in the middle of Arizona when I saw that bloggers/influencers are giving a backlink to brands for freebie or for goodies bag.

I am not sure about their decision for giving a free backlink to any brand. The easiest way to classify a blogger either they don’t know the actual value of giving a free backlink to any brand or they are super rich people and doing blogging just for amusing. Maybe I’m biased because I run my blog full-time & work harder managing every single area of my blog business than what I used to did when I worked in my 9-to-5 desk job.

Digital Media, Bloggers Are Future!

And, now when blogging is growing exponentially and bloggers have influencers due to their large followings and circulation. In a room with 10 people, it’s not unlikely there will be at least one blogger present among them. Starting a blog is as simple as buying a domain and hitting publish; but do you think is it actually that easy?

Bloggers, Do you charge brands for content tie-up?

Giving a backlink to any brand divides the link juice of that particular page. Basically, the value of that page gets divided equally by the number of outbound links to the website.

Wake up, bloggers! You should understand the classic form of marketing that you can get paid big bucks to promote content about brands, products, services, and places; anything from subscription services to beauty products to clothing.

This is also a call for brands that they should focus on quality and not quantity. Also, there should be exclusivity in the content which they would like to be associated with. Such an approach to blogger engagement will not drive you great results.

I’m a lifestyle blogger available for hire. Contact me at to see how we can work together.