Things To Remember Before You Make Your Blog Live


Things To Remember Before You Make Your Blog Live


So, let me guess. When you are thinking of starting a blog? You must be twanged your butt down on a chair, scoured out some thoughts with some innovative ideas to publish it, Am I right? Yeah, Then, today’s post is for you!

I must say each one of us can start a blog easily if he/she is willing to do so. Most of the people get into this but after a time period hey get fed up and give up and other like you splashes the web for answers!

Today I’m going to guide you for some important things you need to remember before starting a blog:-

Firstly, you need to get a domain name and hosting for your blog. Now, I know a question will arise in your mind, What Platform should you use for a blog?

Content Management System –

CMS is the most important factor for your blog because it is platform where the content of your blog can be managed a cinch. Before you go for researching all the options about using blog platforms, you must keep a thing in your mind that you should use a platform which is easier to you as well. Here are few options for you –

  • Blogger/BlogSpot
  • WordPress
  • Tumblr


Betting the bank on SEO –

  1. You need to make your blog SEO-friendly and more over you need to focus on increasing your search engine rankings.
  2. Most important factor is that you need to make a good number of quality links from trusted sources.
  3. You need to optimize your website on the basis of content, on-page optimization, social influencers.

Tips: You can go for keyword planner tool to search for the keywords you need to target the right audience. Also, you can take help from any of your friend who has lil bit knowledge of SEO.

Thinking valuable content is enough –

You should write great and unique content which can help people in any way. You can tell people about your stories and lifestyle. You must know that storytelling is a skill and it can take years to master.

The web is so active now a day that valuable information goes unnoticed all the time. For example- You are sitting in a stadium full of people and whispering the secret of life.

Wasting time redesigning your blog –

Think twice before taking your blog live with a theme because design of a blog is the first thing which strikes to the readers of your blog. If you have no idea about designing and you can a find a great designer to create a custom WordPress theme for you.

Social Influencers

Social Influencers –

You need to split your time and focus between your blog and social platforms like Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, because they have huge sources of traffic for popular blogs.

Technical Tasks for Your Blog –

  • Burn Blog with FeedBurner
  • Write Your About Page
  • Create a Contact Page
  • Choose Your Categories
  • Pick Your Pillar Articles

This is all about remembering the things before you make your blog live.