Things That Can Be Done With Leftover Currency

Things That Can Be Done With Leftover Currency

If you have traveled overseas, you must have exchanged your own currency banknotes to the local currency to get around. The overseas may be your honeymoon trip, a luxurious holiday, or a backpacking trip. 😉
In most of the cases, the people will have the leftover foreign currency notes by the time they are ready to come back to their sweet home. So, they must be thinking or puzzled with the thought that what should they do with it. Well! here are some of the facts about the same:-

  1. You can spend it on the gifts for your friends, or family members at the airport from the dutyfree.
  2. You can shop for yourselves or buy some snacks to enjoy your flight back to home.
  3. Convert it back to your local currency at the airport.
  4. It’s not a big deal, you can always donate something to the charity. Find something like UNICEF’s Change for Good program and this will help children around all over the world.
  5. Keep it as a souvenir of your trip and this is what we did with our leftover currency when we came back from our South-East Asia trip as a backpacker.