These 2 New Features for Instagram Stories – A Must Try for Bloggers

These 2 New Features for Instagram Stories – A Must Try for Bloggers

Lately while using the Instagram, I came to know about two new features from Instagram stories. Actually, I will not call them the features but yeah one can call them tricks of using Instagram stories to engage likes & comments, also to get more impressions on your Instagram posts.

1. Get Creative with the New Instagram Stories Eraser Tool

I am sure everyone must have used drawing tools on Instagram stories which are pretty great but have you tried new eraser tool on Instagram Stories. No? Okay, let me tell you about this new feature on Instagram Stories.

Yeah, I know Eraser tool is just to erase a mistake in any drawing/creative in your story rather than starting over with the undo button? But what if you could use that eraser tool as a “Scratch Card.” How? Well, there are 3 simple steps of the same:-

  1. Open the Instagram Stories camera and snap a photo/video – Save it!
  2. Select a drawing tool and tap and hold for 1-3 seconds to fill the entire screen with the color of your choice – Save it again!
  3. Using the eraser brush, you can creatively reveal parts of your photo or video underneath. Save it again!

Now, you have 3 creatives, use them in a sequence as you want. See my picture which I have created using these 3 simple steps.

2. Use the Poll Sticker for more Engagement

There are two ways in which you can use creativity to get more engagement on your Instagram account. One is announcing every new post to encourage likes and comments & second is to ask a question using a poll sticker. These tips and tricks can be a great way to let your audience know that you posted a new post and simply ask them to swipe up & visit the profile. This way you will be getting a potential customer to your profile.

It’s always extremely valuable to talk to your followers/audience one on one, so ask a question or make a statement in your Instagram story, then encourage your viewers to reply!

What do you think of these new Instagram Stories features? Let us know in the comment section below!