Streets of Siem Reap – Cambodia

Streets of Siem Reap – Cambodia

Siem Reap is a resort town in northwestern Cambodia – The land of Angkor & Khmer Kingdom. Giant, mysterious faces are carved into the Bayon Temple at Angkor Thom. The Angkor National Museum features Khmer artifacts, which includes a display of 1,000 Buddha statues and images. There is an old market which sells wares like souvenirs, books, and spices. So, Siem Reap is not only about Angkor Wat and the Khmer Kingdom, there are some Pub Street in the city which are lively after dark.

Backpackers always simply choose to try the local food from the street vendors & of course the local down beer in the city. Streets of Siem Reap is something which I personally found a must visit place in the city as one can find all kind of food, shopping stores, markets, massage centers, etc. and tourists come to rest from the day trip. Cambodia beer is so cheap like 50c only ($1/2). 🙂

The weird feeling which we saw on the streets on Siem Reap, was seeing the fried Scorpion & Spiders people are selling in a tray. Yoo! Also, we saw a few restaurants having Crocodile, Snakes, Rats, Cats, etc. as their meal. :O

Pro Tip: Beware of Tuk Tuk wala in Cambodia especially in Siem Reap

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