Reset Your Body with a One-Day Ultimate Detox Diet

Reset Your Body with a One-Day Ultimate Detox Diet

Detoxification is simply eliminating the toxins from the body with help of natural therapies which may be psychological or medical. Try to follow these steps at least once in a month for a healthy life.

  • You should start your day with lemon detox water which would help in metabolic activities. Use only fresh lemons and warm water. Take a meditation for 5 minutes, this will help you to clear your thoughts as well.
  • You can also go for a short walk in a park. Try to avoid carrying your phone because we have seen many people go for a run and jog with their headphones.
  • For lunch, go for a vegetable soup or any rich fiber soup & a plate full of salad. Remember salad should be natural, never use any sort of saucy toppings or anything which is not natural.
  • After few hours of lunching, have a cup of green tea along with a handful of dry fruits. This will give you energy and calm your hunger. If you still feel hungry, you can have a fruit as well like as an apple.
  • Have a portion of boiled or steamed vegetables in dinner.
  • End your day with 10 minutes of a yoga session to calm your mind and take enough sleep.

On the detox day, you can go for a massage or a steam bath or sauna if it is available. It helps in removing toxins at a faster pace because steam is the best medicine.