Never Shy To Talk About Our Periods : Lets Talk About Periods

Never Shy To Talk About Our Periods : Lets Talk About Periods

Since everyone is talking about Pads & the Bollywood movie “Padman” nowadays so I also thought of writing up a blog post about my previous experience. Every time, whenever I am on my periods and I tell people (especially to my male friends) that I am not feeling well then they always ask, “Why, what happened?”. And I had nothing to answer, I always use to think., what to say and how to answer. Obviously, I don’t want to lie! But shy in telling them the truth. What to do!

And, what about at work if you ask your boss for leaves or a short leave for the day when you are on your periods or tell your boss that you’re sick. He will always think that you’re just faking all this to enjoy your sick leaves. And, that’s because you were not coughing or sneezing yesterday or today itself.

Come on girls! Just be straightforward to everyone in the world and say “I’m on my period.” There is nothing to be shy or hide about, especially with your boyfriend, this is something actually natural. #LetsTalkAboutPeriods #PadManChallenge

Also, Read – How To Deal With Painful Period While Travelling

How To Use A Menstrual Cup in Periods While Travelling

In my opinion, If you feel comfortable telling them, it might be helpful because a girl with her menstruation symptoms always wants to be alone. And, if you tell him he will surely understand your pain & mood swings. If your boyfriend is mature enough, it won’t be a big deal at all for him and if not go & get a new boyfriend. 😛