Interview With Famous Costume Designers Divvya and Nidhhi Gambhir

Interview With Famous Costume Designers Divvya and Nidhhi Gambhir

Hey Guys!

Today we are going to talk about two famous fashion designers from the industry who are twin Sisters & Partners from Delhi – Divvya & Nidhhi Gambhir.

So, Who is a fashion designer or costume designer? A person who deals with designing the costumes for an individual on a high level that is for models and celebs. So, I got the opportunity to have an interview with these Divas to know the potential, knowledge, skills, and experience in this industry.

Following is the series of interview questions answers with Divvya & Nidhhi Gambhir to know them better:

Q. Everyone has a story behind! What was yours? What sparked your interest in costume designing?

After studying fashion from NIFT Delhi, we decided to follow our own sense of design and fashion, which led us to launch our label, WALNUT. With seasons after seasons at Lakhme Fashion Week and Wills India (Amazon now) fashion week, we wanted to explore more ways of jutting out our creativity. We love films, so costume designing was the next step. It gives an opportunity like none other to keep exploring, experimenting from one film to another.

Q. When did you know you wanted to be a fashion designer?

We always loved clothes, but in a way designing chose us. We decided to study fashion and again we loved the whole process of designing and creating something new every time.

Q. Say something about your background?

We, Divvya & Nidhhi Gambhir, Twin Sisters, Designers, Partners, come from Delhi. Now, based out of Bombay.

Q. What made you take fashion more seriously and make a career out of it?

We had always been super focused. We knew we wanted to have our own line and things fell in place with time, dedication, and hard work. Fashion is a field which gives you space and freedom to express yourself through your work, which we loved.

Q. Are you self-taught or did you study fashion design?

We both studied from NIFT Delhi, but what you learn on the job, no fashion school can teach you. We can proudly boost about our strong technical knowledge of making clothes and understanding of textiles, colors etc. We learnt each day at our label. Fashion and designing keeps teaching you, you keep exploring and learning.

Q. What are you fascinated by at the moment and how does it feed into your work?

The great energy and loads of creativity around us in films, in hi-fashion is something that has always fascinated us and it pushes us to expel in our vision.

Q. What is the biggest thing that you have learned in your life since you started your career?

Nothing beats originality and hard work.

Q. What advice would you give to your audience?

Fashion is fast changing, stay true to your self. Don’t imitate other’s fashion sense.

Q. The designs you created are no doubt good enough, but who and which things were your inspiration while creating such designs?

Oh, there is inspiration all around. We have always tried to out do our own previous works, and have tried to create designs, textures, patterns that are not already there. The biggest inspiration that makes us create designs is the vision that there is more and new that can be offered.

Q. Do you follow any international fashion designer?

We have our own set of favorites, a few like Balmain, Marni etc

Q. What does fashion means to you?

Comfort, One’s true Sense of Style

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