How To Use A Menstrual Cup in Periods While Travelling

How To Use A Menstrual Cup in Periods While Travelling

You ladies should have had some problems while dealing with your period when you were in holidays like at a beach place or doing a trip for several months in foreign countries. Moreover, if you are in India, it may be difficult to find the pads or tampons that you are familiar with or to talk about it, a period is a taboo subject. Am I right?


One of the best options, if you don’t want to carry all your pads with you that will take a lot of space in your bag, is to use a menstrual cup. This is a very good substitute for pads and tampons, and it is very easy to find it online since cups are now used by a lot of women around the world. And it will take no space at all!

Also, Read – How To Deal With Painful Period While Travelling 

There are different sizes so it can suit everyone (mostly if you already have had children or not). It costs around INR 1,000 but at the end, you will save money as it can last for 5 to 10 years.

How to use a menstrual cup?

First of all, each time you get your period, you should sterilize your cup by boiling it for few minutes. After that, you can directly use it. To put it, you have to fold it in a U shape and then insert it into your vagina. In most of the articles, you will find on the internet about how to use a cup you will see that you can keep it for 12 hours. However, recent studies showed that you should empty it every 6 to 8 hours maximum due to medical risks just like tampons.


So if you want to save money and space, you should definitely get one! Finally, it is also environmentally friendly as there is no more waste!