How To Have A Good Time In London

How To Have A Good Time In London

It’s not too difficult to know where to explore and what to see in London. As much as any city on Earth, its sights and landmarks are extraordinarily well publicized. You almost can’t help but prioritize simple sightseeing when you go, what with the chance to see Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and all the rest. What can be a little bit trickier to figure out is what you’ll do beyond sightseeing – or, more simply, how you’ll have a good time!

That’s not to say that there’s any shortage of options in London in this regard, nor that sightseeing isn’t fun in its own way. But pure fun is a bit less documented when it comes to London tourism, so we’re dedicating a little bit of space to this very topic with the following suggestions for a good time out in the city. 

Eat in Camden

You can’t find too many big city neighborhoods with as many good food options as there are in Camden. Case in point, Secret London did a write-up of the area eateries and got all the way to 43 when pointing out the “very best” restaurants! There really are all kinds of great places to eat here, but more than just good cuisine – gastropub fare, fresh fish, Asian cuisine, Caribbean restaurants, etc. – these places are fun. There’s a lighthearted atmosphere that pervades many of the best Camden restaurants without taking away from quality, making it a great place for a casual meal or a meet-up with friends.

Go Boating in Hyde Park

Hyde Park is commonly tagged as one of the aforementioned sightseeing opportunities around town, and with good reason. It’s a remarkable, sprawling park that’s lovely to explore. If you’re looking for more of an amusement of sorts though, look into the options for boating through the park’s lakes. It’s as good a way as there is to spend a nice day out in London. 

Shop at Oxford Street

We needn’t get into this in too much detail, but every respectable big city has a shopping district or two to be proud of, and in London it’s hard to beat Oxford Street. For some travelers this won’t matter much, or it will merely be something to see. But if you happen to enjoy shopping or even just browsing high-end stores in a bustling area, Oxford Street can be sort of a tourist attraction in and of itself. 

Game at Leicester Square

If one conducted a survey it may well show that the majority of people now consider the concept of casino gaming to be an online activity. The UK is largely responsible for this, having produced some of the top gaming platforms online, as well as embraced live gaming that makes those platforms all the better at simulating the real games. Popular and in some cases revolutionary as gaming sites may be though, London still prides itself on some truly world-class casinos in Leicester Square. This is a fun area of town just to hang out in, really, but if you’re looking for specific activity, venues like the Empire and Hippodrome casinos may be just right.

Enjoy Local Sports

London is simply a spectacular sports city. Numerous local football clubs, annual events like Wimbledon, and a wonderful multi-purpose stadium like Wembley bring some of the best athletes in the world to London to compete in all manner of events. There’s almost always something interesting going on, from your average football match to an annual collegiate rowing competition that’s a virtual holiday. As a result, sports make for some of the most reliable fun around town. 

Check Out an Outdoor Cinema

This may seem a peculiar choice, but London is home to some of Europe’s best outdoor cinemas. There are occasional screenings in park-like settings around the city, but there are also some more unique options such as rooftop films, or even one company that puts out hot tubs for people to bathe in while watching films. At the very least, outdoor cinema is something to keep in mind while you’re in town.

Do A Pub Crawl

We note pub crawls only to support them as cliché as they might be. That is, pub crawls are recommended in London so frequently that some might have a natural tendency to discount them as tourist activities that can be skipped. Really though, London’s pub scene is fairly legendary, and this is the best way to see several of them in one go.