Everyday Value Pizza at Rs.99 from Domino’s for Small Group Sizes

Everyday Value Pizza at Rs.99 from Domino’s for Small Group Sizes

Domino’s Pizza India has come up with a great idea of launching Everyday Value price on its range of regular sized pizzas. The Everyday Value price will enable customers to buy two regular pizzas at a price of Rs.99 each. The new price will offer greater value for money on Domino’s Pizzas for small group sizes of 2. Last year, Dominos Pizza has also launched Medium sized pizzas which were aimed at larger group sizes of 3-4 people.

This new launch of Everyday Value price will help Domino’s Pizza in increasing pizza penetration across markets, especially in smaller towns. It will also help existing Domino’s customers to enjoy Domino’s pizzas more often and on more occasions, thus driving increased the frequency of consumption.