PM Modi’s Policy Against Black Money


PM Modi’s Policy Against Black Money


Incredible India

Rs 500 & Rs 1000 Currency Notes are Invalid from 9th Nov, 2016

You must be surprising, why I have chosen this topic for my blog since it a fashion & lifestyle blog. Aahn Hahn, All I can say that Newfangled Girl aka Astha Jain is a girl who talks about everything. So, today I am gonna talk about a brilliant decision cum policy by our honorable Prime Minister – Mr. Narendra Modi.

On 8th Nov 2016 at 8:00 Pm, Indian Prime Minister – Mr. Narendra Modi has announced that Rs. 500 & Rs 1,000 currency notes will not be valid from mid-night. Now, question arises that Why PM Modi has not given time to us? Why decision was so sudden. Why he is doing so? Don’t worry the reason is here for us, Its for our benefit, our welfare, our economy & our country India. And, think it in this way, If he would have given a certain time to the people then, motive of initiating this policy against Black Money, would not have been a success.

Narendra Modi

Honorable Prime Minister – Mr. Narendra Modi

Yes, decision was so sudden because it was needed to fight against Black money. Corruption & Black money are diseases rooted in our country. In India, everyone knows that there is a hell of corruption & they are obstacles to our success as well somehow.

We are among the fastest growing economies in the world but at the same time, we also rank so high in global corruption rankings. I don’t understand why people are panicking about this decision. Don’t worry, we still have next 50 days to submit Rs 500 & Rs 1000 currency notes in banks & post offices. Till December 30, 2016, people can deposit currency notes of Rs 1000 and Rs 500 in their bank account & if one fails to do so then he/she also have an opportunity to deposit their currency notes of Rs 500 & Rs 1000 to the banks till March 31, 2017 after filling a declaration form along with proof and reasons.

500 and 1000 rupee

This is a brilliant & bold move of PM Modi to curb corruption in India & It’s our chance to support our leader.
Let’s all come together and fight back for our country’s economy against black money. Let’s do it for us, our country and coming generations. Yes, It is a drastic change and drastic change don’t come slowly… It hits like a clobber and breaks each & everything. Its time to break & curb corruption from our country.

It can be a chaos at this moment for us but it will be a revolutionary transform for our coming generations. We shouldn’t mind bearing any inconvenience as for now because it is for our better future. And in futurity, you will see all the black money will come out itself.