This Indian Couple travelling the world with these dolls could inspired you

indian couple travelling the world

This Indian Couple travelling the world with these dolls could inspired you

This Indian couple could inspire you to travel around the world

Are you inspired by the story of Rinku & Tinku? If not, this is the right time to read their amazing story, so you can come out of your comfort zone and experience this beautiful world. Check out their pics-

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This is the real picture of this Indian couple

Indian couple traveling the world

Indian coupletravelling the world


You really need a passion for travelling like this. There can be various ways of travelling but it’s different when you are on a budget backpacking trip like this. If you are a daydreamer and wants to complete all your dreams then go out & plan for some amazing trip. It’s true that you can do this under your budget but for that you need to plan in advance.