Book Review : The Girl Who Changed My Life by Pawan Aditya

Book Review : The Girl Who Changed My Life by Pawan Aditya

The Girl Who Changed My Life had been written by Pawan Aditya, Assistant Manager in MNC, who was brought up in a small town, Bilaspur in Chattisgarh. The novel has a deep impact on the readers and involves a series of different emotions. While reading the novel, one may relate to the joy of friendship, love, compassion, sorrow & difficulties that one faces in the path of life through the story. It may leave you at the moment where you think not to fall in love again and would prefer to stay away from the so-called “love.”  But on the other hand, the story gives you a great lesson on how a person can achieve true love by not giving up and continue with the positivities.

The novel is based on his own love life & the circumstances he has faced. The author has described the instances of his personal life in the story. Being a love story, the genre seems very appealing & interesting to many youngsters who have experienced the essence of love & sacrificed that for other’s happiness. He had made a great effort to describe his journey of love & the pain he went through when he lost the love of his life. Pawan Aditya got inspired by Tibetian Guru Dalai Lama’s quotes, for purifying his perspective towards life. He has also given his special thanks to him in his book.

The story revolves around Aditya (the author and the lead protagonist of the story) and Kavya (the girl whom he loved). The story includes instances of Aditya’s and Kavya’s life that describe the sweet and heart-touching memories that they had spent together. In the beginning, the story describes the sweet and difficult experiences of Aditya with his friends and crushes. It was definitely the hard time for Aditya. Somehow, he tried to manage his feelings by looking forward into his life with the positive thoughts.  “No matter how difficult circumstances are, best is yet to come, provided we trust ourselves, stay motivated and never get disappointed. Your love is on the way that will transform you, said by Pawan Aditya”.

Years pass, after which finally the moment comes, when Aditya met Kavya in his new beginning of corporate life, at his office party. Then the story revolves around how Adi convinced Kavya. Kavya, A bob haircut girl, fair complexion, small & skin nose, dark brown sharp hair with moderate height. Where he found a girl with an absolutely different aura from other girls. He mesmerized by her simple yet revolutionary thoughts.

The book had a deep impact on me as I had never known what side life can have. It can be very pleasant for some and can be so ruthless to others. I salute the courage of author that he had shown to discuss something so personal and for having the strength to fight back the obstacles he came across in his life. The book exemplifies the fact that life isn’t always pleasant and if you love someone, love him/her truly; as love stories are meant to stay for generations to come and for them to read. I would recommend that everyone read the book as it will surely fill you up with the positive attitude towards life and it will also give you courage how to fight back with the tough situations by not losing yourself.

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