3 Easiest Way To Fix & Restore Your Dried Mascara

3 Easiest Way To Fix & Restore Your Dried Mascara

Every girl loves to enhance their lashes and gives them gorgeous, thicker and lengthier feel with mascara but the problem we all face is it become drier and clumpier after 3 or 4 months later. And, generally, we girls do not try & show much effort to fix it and just discard the dry mascara and get a new one.

The reason of getting drier and clumpier:

  • We should not pump the wand into the tube as this can result in the trap the air in which dries out the solution faster. The best way to roll the wand within the sides of the tube.
  • Make sure that mascara tube is closed tightly after every use and try to store it in cool and dark place.

Here are the 3 methods through which you can fix your dry mascara:-

Method 1:

Put few drops of any generic eye drops and close the wand. Give a good shake to the tube and then use your mascara in a good condition as the new one.

Method 2:

Take a glass with hot water and dip from mascara tube in hot water for few minutes. It will soften the dried solution and mascara will become as good as new.

Method 3:

You can pour two pin sized shots of aloe vera in your mascara bottle and shake it well. This kinda process will make the mascara smoother.